My Big Greek Pizza

My Big Greek Pizza

Ric and I were lucky enough to sneak in a quick trip to Athens just before the Covid-19 virus really hit. We started to hear about it while we were on the trip, and I must admit, we were a little nervous about getting sick on the trip home since there were so many...
Purple Sweet Potato Pie

Purple Sweet Potato Pie

There is a bit of excitement surrounding the forecast when a big storm is arriving. It begins as it usually does, with soft, fluffy flakes of snow gently drifting down through the sky. It’s cozy inside with the fireplaces warming us, and then we wake up with...
Eggplant Romesco

Eggplant Romesco

As I walk through the farmers’ market, still a little foggy and not quite awake, the beauty of the flowers, fruits and vegetables, the crisp fresh air and the smell of the food trucks preparing an array of dishes, rouses my senses. I find the displays of vivid colors...
Climbing Mountains and Slaying Dragons

Climbing Mountains and Slaying Dragons

One foot in front of the other we trekked our way up the narrow path where the Aspen trees rustled in the breeze creating a sound somewhere between water running down a stream and that of a joyful musical instrument. We hiked under this canopy of whispering leaves...